lattice3dCourtesy of Universiteit van Amsterdam. See also this paper.
The Quantum Mechanics of the XXI Century:
Manipulation of Coherent Atomic Matter

Buenos Aires, Argentina
July 27th - August 7th, 2009

[About the School]

[Lectures and Topics]

[General information]


[Registration] (closed)

[Abstract submission]

[List of Participants]

[Scientific Program]


[Poster of the School]


[Previous Schools]

About the School

The development of experimental techniques to create and manipulate coherent matter at macroscopic scales was tremendously boosted after the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation of atoms in 1995, and nowadays is allowing to explore quantum phenomena with a control and accuracy without precedent a few decades ago. These advances are allowing to test intriguing properties such as entanglement and to manifest the quantum coherence of matter at macroscopic scales. The coherent manipulation of matter at ultra low temperatures has already permitted to process information in a drastically different manner to what it was previously done. While the control of cold coherent matter is not only of fundamental interest but also as technological tool which allows, for instance, to improve the time and frequency standards, to realize high sensitivity detections, etc. 

The main purpose of this School is to bring together these two fundamental aspects of the quantum world that are naturally entangled: I) The physics of cold atoms and ions II) and its application to the quantum processing of information and to test the frontiers of quantum mechanics in the macroscopic limit.

The School is intended primarily for graduate students of physics and other disciplines related to the fields of quantum optics and condensed matter, although advanced undergrad students and postdocs are also encouraged to participate. A satellite workshop will be held on the same dates. Time will be available for discussions of posters and for short seminars.

The Giambiagi Winter School is organized by the Physics department of the School of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. Each year the School is devoted to a different topic, and its main purpose is to bring together world specialists with graduate students and young researchers. There are no registration fees to attend to the School or to the satellite workshop. Partial financial assistance will be provided to support a limited number of students from Latin America.